HOW CPAs Can Differentiate Against the Competition

July 25, 2018 | By Paul Latham

Are you offering what clients expect or value?

Most CPAs have a big problem when it comes to differentiating against the competition.

Look on many (most) CPA websites and you will see that they are all typically pushing the same messages. Most CPAs use words that their clients EXPECT. These CPAs all look and sound the same. They make so called “value promises” by prominently stressing words like “experienced”, “professional”, “timely”, and “responsive”. Question – would you ever choose a CPA who wasn’t experienced, professional, timely and responsive? Of course not – they are minimum client expectations not value items.

CPAs should be striving to look different to their competition if they want to survive and win in the 21st Century.

CPAs should be promising to help their best clients with things that actually matter – things that their clients VALUE rather than EXPECT. Your best clients are successful business owners. They care about their business – their business is “their baby”.

By way of example, CPAs could differentiate by advising their clients how to “clarify business direction” and “maximize business potential – grow revenues, profits, equity value".

Ask yourself this question. Do your clients really value the mechanics of the (metaphoric) "drill” you are selling to them - or do your clients actually not gave a damn about the "drill" itself and really just want to buy a "hole in the wall'? Does your CPA value promise capture that subtle but essential difference in the client perception of value?

That’s HOW CPAs can differentiate against the competition.

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