Ask Paul – A Look Into the Future Episode 44 – Solid Intangibles – Value Proposition - Example 2 – The Proactive Planning Process

March 5, 2020 | By Paul Latham
Financial Advisors Accountants

An essential part of becoming the Most Relevant Advisor to clients is providing proactive services.

Clients want proactivity, and Accountants want to be proactive, so it seems like a win-win scenario. However, most Accountants do not have a process in place to deliver proactive planning to their clients consistently and for long periods.  This makes it impossible for them to shape their fluid, intangible service into a solid piece of their value proposition.

Accountants must create a system to build a demonstratable product around "proactivity" to make it not just a word but a REAL service. 

Discover from Paul Latham how he can help you embrace a proactive planning process in your firm to deliver advisory services to your best clients.

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